Web Server Statistics for Map Project, University of Cambridge

Program started at Tue-29-Feb-2000 23:01.
Analysed requests from Tue-01-Feb-2000 00:06 to Tue-29-Feb-2000 22:51 (28.9 days).

General Summary

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

(Figures in parentheses refer to the 7 days to 29-Feb-2000 23:01).
Successful requests: 16,164 (3,309)
Average successful requests per day: 558 (472)
Successful requests for pages: 7,563 (1,483)
Average successful requests for pages per day: 261 (211)
Failed requests: 1,341 (420)
Redirected requests: 58 (18)
Distinct files requested: 679 (359)
Distinct hosts served: 2,141 (625)
Unwanted logfile entries: 246,522
Data transferred: 810,696 kbytes (221,076 kbytes)
Average data transferred per day: 28,005 kbytes (31,582 kbytes)

Weekly Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Each unit (+) represents 60 requests for pages, or part thereof.

week beg.: #reqs: pages: 
---------: -----: -----: 
30/Jan/00:  3658:  1566: +++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 6/Feb/00:  3923:  1906: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
13/Feb/00:  4062:  2025: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
20/Feb/00:  3062:  1425: ++++++++++++++++++++++++
27/Feb/00:  1459:   641: +++++++++++
Busiest week: week beginning 13/Feb/00 (2,025 requests for pages).

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Listing domains, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: domain
-----: ------: ------
 4165: 30.80%: [unresolved numerical addresses]
 3699: 26.41%: .uk (United Kingdom)
   40: 24.34%: .ar (Argentina)
  150: 10.31%: .fi (Finland)
 2355:  1.96%: .com (Commercial)
  382:  1.56%: .jp (Japan)
 1435:  0.86%: .net (Network)
  901:  0.80%: .edu (USA Educational)
  440:  0.50%: .se (Sweden)
   95:  0.50%: .br (Brazil)
  348:  0.33%: .de (Germany)
  173:  0.14%: .fr (France)
  107:  0.14%: .ca (Canada)
  109:  0.11%: .it (Italy)
  147:  0.10%: .es (Spain)
  103:  0.08%: .org (Non-Profit Making Organisations)
   34:  0.08%: .ro (Romania)
  118:  0.07%: .au (Australia)
  106:  0.07%: .nl (Netherlands)
  100:  0.06%: .gov (USA Government)
   31:  0.06%: .sk (Slovak Republic)
   88:  0.06%: .be (Belgium)
   77:  0.05%: .pl (Poland)
   54:  0.05%: .ch (Switzerland)
   35:  0.05%: .cn (China)
   57:  0.04%: .tr (Turkey)
   39:  0.03%: .mx (Mexico)
   61:  0.03%: .in (India)
   40:  0.03%: .kr (South Korea)
   38:  0.03%: .gr (Greece)
   33:  0.02%: .th (Thailand)
   43:  0.02%: .hu (Hungary)
   39:  0.02%: .cz (Czech Republic)
   51:  0.02%: .sg (Singapore)
   54:  0.02%: .ru (Russia)
   46:  0.02%: .no (Norway)
   28:  0.02%: .pt (Portugal)
   37:  0.02%: .dk (Denmark)
   36:  0.02%: .za (South Africa)
   33:  0.02%: .at (Austria)
   39:  0.02%: .my (Malaysia)
   24:  0.02%: .il (Israel)
   19:  0.01%: .hk (Hong Kong)
   23:  0.01%: .ae (United Arab Emirates)
   28:  0.01%: .us (United States)
   16:  0.01%: .mil (USA Military)
   10:  0.01%: .ie (Ireland)
   10:       : .jo (Jordan)
    5:       : .co (Colombia)
    5:       : .ua (Ukraine)
    9:       : .tw (Taiwan)
    7:       : .si (Slovenia)
    7:       : .hr (Croatia)
    7:       : .sa (Saudi Arabia)
    7:       : .nz (New Zealand)
    5:       : .su (Former USSR)
    6:       : .id (Indonesia)
    3:       : .vn (Vietnam)
    3:       : .pe (Peru)
    3:       : .arpa (Old style Arpanet)
    1:       : .pk (Pakistan)

Host Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Listing the first 100 hosts by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: host
-----: ------: ----
 1052: 26.16%:
  607:  0.04%: web-search.cam.ac.uk
  352:  0.32%: pt8.msm.cam.ac.uk
  346:  0.42%: crawler.googlebot.com
  276: 20.50%: pt-quixote.msm.cam.ac.uk
  273:  0.28%: host-119.altavista.se
  229:  0.02%: pt-bainite.msm.cam.ac.uk
  226:  0.01%: ix10.fast-search.net
  218:       :
  198:  0.10%: harry-mac.msm.cam.ac.uk
  189:  0.24%: scooter2.sv.alta-vista.net
  182:  0.08%: pt-delboy.msm.cam.ac.uk
  176:  0.12%: pt-obelix.msm.cam.ac.uk
  165:  0.10%: pt16.msm.cam.ac.uk
  143:  0.01%:
  130:  0.17%:
  126:  0.14%:
  122:  0.12%: j111.inktomi.com
  105:  1.35%:
   81:  0.10%: search.wport.com
   67:  0.05%: msem13.eng.ohio-state.edu
   66:  0.02%: pt-napoleon.msm.cam.ac.uk
   62:  0.04%: pt-memec.msm.cam.ac.uk
   56:  0.43%:
   55:  0.29%: mgl1309apc1.ecn.purdue.edu
   52:  0.16%: pt17.msm.cam.ac.uk
   50:  0.01%: pt19.msm.cam.ac.uk
   49:  0.03%: olaf.imf.tu-freiberg.de
   47:  0.07%: darthwelder.isf.rwth-aachen.de
   44:  0.46%:
   44:  0.04%:
   43:  0.29%:
   42:  0.08%: wall.simr.se
   41:  0.04%: vscooter.pa.alta-vista.net
   40:  0.02%: pt11.msm.cam.ac.uk
   39:  0.45%: ras235-103.dial.ufsc.br
   39:  0.06%:
   38:  0.04%: sarah.alexa.com
   38:  0.05%: pt14.msm.cam.ac.uk
   34:  0.02%:
   33:  0.01%: ns.sandvik.com
   33:  0.04%:
   33:  0.05%:
   33:  0.03%: gate.ocas.be
   33:  3.49%: webcache2.liv.ac.uk
   33:  0.02%: rr120.rautaruukki.fi
   32:  0.09%: wall.uddeholm.se
   32:  0.02%:
   32:  0.03%: yukige.nrim.go.jp
   32:  0.03%:
   31:  0.02%: pt2.msm.cam.ac.uk
   31:  0.02%: hades.ex.ac.uk
   30:  0.02%: hai1.isf.rwth-aachen.de
   30:  0.01%: dialup-14.rbc.ru
   30:  0.07%: pcs217.univ-lille1.fr
   30:  0.02%:
   30:  0.05%: physics003.fmarion.edu
   29:  0.06%: proxy-main.cvt.stuba.sk
   28:  0.02%: sluggo.websense.com
   28:  0.04%: fpcme9.fizica.unibuc.ro
   28:  0.07%:
   28:  0.03%:
   28:  0.03%: dialup-548.hip.cam.org
   27:  0.03%: netcache2.proxad.net
   27:  0.02%: pclab11.dental.nyu.edu
   26:  0.04%: v221.fz.fj.cn
   26:  0.02%: someday.uos.ac.kr
   26:  0.02%: modemcable060.4-200-24.hull.mc.videotron.net
   25:  0.02%: tk41.oulu.fi
   25:  0.03%: pt1.msm.cam.ac.uk
   25:  0.01%:
   24:  0.01%:
   24:  0.02%: lce-gw.hut.fi
   24:  0.02%:
   24:  0.01%: host213-1-21-170.host.btclick.com
   23:  0.69%: wwwcache1.bris.ac.uk
   23:  0.03%:
   23:  0.01%: winnie.prm.ucl.ac.be
   23:  0.01%: romulus.oucs.ox.ac.uk
   23:  0.01%: proxy.mcmail.com
   22:  0.02%: metal36.rug.ac.be
   22:  0.01%: ma-dhcp-492.matek.sintef.no
   22:  0.01%: delta-14.fuse.net
   22:  0.02%: rub228.bo00.cn.interbusiness.it
   22:  0.03%: be-110-vall-x1.red.retevision.es
   22:  0.01%: is2.net.ohio-state.edu
   21:  0.01%:
   21:  0.01%: p3e9e23a5.dip.t-dialin.net
   21: 10.11%: val6t108.val.vtt.fi
   20:  0.01%: freeway.issy.cnet.fr
   20:  0.05%:
   20:  0.01%: glmltms.ms.ornl.gov
   19:  0.01%: 133-2.ww.ruhr-uni-bochum.de
   19:  0.02%:
   19:  0.01%: c-engine6.ten34.ces.net
   19:  0.02%: pppa85-resalenorfolk2-2r7142.saturn.bbn.com
   19:  0.02%: guz.cc.itu.edu.tr
   19:  0.01%: s97.athenenet.co.uk
   19:  0.02%: gateway.ifpan.edu.pl
   19:  0.01%: szft12.phys.klte.hu
 8490: 31.35%: [not listed: 2,041 hosts]

File Type Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.

#reqs: %bytes: extension
-----: ------: ---------
   15: 74.37%: .gz   [Gzip compressed files]
   15: 74.37%:   .tar.gz [Compressed archives]
   51: 10.25%: .zip  [Zip archives]
 7294:  6.88%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language]
  621:  6.16%: .tar
 7790:  2.06%: .gif  [GIF graphics]
   58:  0.12%: .txt  [Plain text]
  335:  0.16%: [not listed: 6 extensions]

Request Report

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

Listing files with at least 20 requests, sorted by the number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes:       last date: file
-----: ------: ---------------: ----
 2858:  0.39%: 29/Feb/00 22:51: /map/maplogo1.gif
 1120:  0.09%: 29/Feb/00 22:32: /map/vh32.gif
  990:  0.45%: 29/Feb/00 22:51: /map/mapmain.html
  770:  0.65%: 29/Feb/00 22:51: /map/npllogo.gif
  763:  0.43%: 29/Feb/00 22:51: /map/UnivHeader.gif
  744:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 22:51: /map/valid_html3.2.gif
  712:  0.35%: 29/Feb/00 22:51: /map/pubs/images/skey.gif
  600:  0.57%: 29/Feb/00 21:48: /map/map.html
  368:  0.11%: 29/Feb/00 22:51: /map/entry.html
  328:  0.06%: 28/Feb/00 17:01: /map/maplogo3.gif
  309:  0.58%: 29/Feb/00 21:32: /map/backg.html
  146:  0.20%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/steel/steelprog.html
  140:  0.07%: 29/Feb/00 18:42: /map/
  120:  0.12%: 29/Feb/00 19:09: /map/data/data-index.html
   94:       : 29/Feb/00 14:37: /map/pubs/images/valid_html3.2.gif
   88:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/pubs/publist.html
   85:  0.08%: 29/Feb/00 17:50: /map/neural/neuralprog.html
   78:  0.08%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/format.html
   74:  0.05%: 29/Feb/00 08:07: /map/nickel/nickelprog.html
   74:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 17:22: /map/access.html
   71:  0.05%: 29/Feb/00 17:54: /map/utilities/utilprog.html
   60:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 19:07: /map/kinetics/kineticprog.html
   59:  0.14%: 28/Feb/00 19:14: /map/steel/steelsub.html
   56:  0.10%: 29/Feb/00 17:35: /map/newlinks.html
   54:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 19:59: /map/crystal/crystalprog.html
   53:  0.14%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/pubs/graz.html
   50:  0.06%: 29/Feb/00 19:01: /map/donor/donorlist.html
   45:       : 29/Feb/00 19:07: /map/pubs/images/ninety.gif
   43:  0.30%: 13/Feb/00 13:27: /map/mapcontent.html
   43:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 11:15: /map/steel/programs/hardp-b.html
   41:  0.07%: 28/Feb/00 00:24: /map/neural/programs/weldmetalyu-b.html
   38:  0.04%: 27/Feb/00 19:29: /map/steel/steelfunc.html
   37:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 19:03: /map/metall/metallprog.html
   36:  0.03%: 29/Feb/00 19:07: /map/steel/steelmod.html
   36:  0.06%: 29/Feb/00 22:32: /map/composites/programs/lamsti-e.html
   33:  0.01%: 29/Feb/00 13:59: /map/mapmail.html
   32:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 19:05: /map/crystal/programs/aview-e.html
   32:  0.03%: 25/Feb/00 00:36: /map/composites/compprog.html
   32:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 17:19: /map/donor/advice.html
   31:  0.03%: 29/Feb/00 11:28: /map/data/materials/creeprupt-b.html
   31:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 18:50: /map/crystal/crystalsub.html
   29:  0.02%: 27/Feb/00 17:04: /map/polymer/polyprog.html
   29:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 19:08: /map/kinetics/programs/graingrowth.html
   29:  0.08%: 12/Feb/00 18:20: /map/new.html
   28:  0.03%: 28/Feb/00 10:50: /map/crystal/programs/crystal-b.html
   27:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 03:03: /map/utilities/functions/daerfc-b.html
   27:  0.01%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/pubs/images/TTT-1-SM.gif
   27:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 10:27: /map/steel/programs/mo2c.html
   26:  0.05%: 27/Feb/00 14:47: /map/steel/programs/mucg46-b.html
   26:  0.02%: 23/Feb/00 09:01: /map/crystal/subs/test1-b.html
   26:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 17:58: /map/data/materials/hardface-b.html
   26:  0.01%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/pubs/images/FILE_SM.gif
   25:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 12:20: /map/steel/subs/stren-b.html
   25:  0.03%: 29/Feb/00 13:39: /map/kinetics/programs/graingrowth2.html
   25:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 09:18: /map/data/neural/neur-ms-b.html
   25:  0.01%: 28/Feb/00 12:45: /map/data/materials/austenmat-b.html
   25:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 05:44: /map/data/neural/lattmisfit-b.html
   24:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 00:14: /map/neural/programs/nn.html
   24:  0.03%: 23/Feb/00 07:00: /map/composites/programs/coaxcy-e.html
   24:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 12:51: /map/utilities/utilsub.html
   24:       : 29/Feb/00 09:29: /map/donor/donor.html
   23:  0.01%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/pubs/images/MAP-2-SM.gif
   23:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 10:26: /map/steel/subs/param-b.html
   23:  0.03%: 29/Feb/00 13:41: /map/neural/programs/weldtough-b.html
   23:  0.01%: 29/Feb/00 21:45: /map/pubs/images/MAP-1-SM.gif
   22:  0.04%: 27/Feb/00 18:06: /map/nickel/programs/nipros-e.html
   22:  0.01%: 28/Feb/00 14:31: /map/steel/subs/diffus-b.html
   22:  0.01%: 25/Feb/00 09:59: /map/utilities/functions/daerf-b.html
   21:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 19:30: /map/crystal/subs/dspace-b.html
   21:  0.01%: 29/Feb/00 19:04: /map/utilities/utilfunc.html
   21:  0.01%: 26/Feb/00 01:18: /map/steel/functions/gmdash-b.html
   21:  0.01%: 28/Feb/00 17:03: /map/steel/programs/structure.html
   21:  0.04%: 27/Feb/00 13:08: /map/steel/programs/acpros-e.html
   21:  0.02%: 28/Feb/00 03:02: /map/steel/subs/nitr-b.html
   21:  0.05%: 29/Feb/00 00:10: /map/neural/programs/masteel-b.html
   20:  0.01%: 29/Feb/00 18:59: /map/donor/notesmain.html
   20:  0.02%: 28/Feb/00 23:07: /map/neural/subs/ac1temp-b.html
   20:  0.02%: 29/Feb/00 21:05: /map/nickel/subs/super4-b.html
   20:  0.03%: 28/Feb/00 16:23: /map/steel/programs/dilat2-b.html
   20:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 19:05: /map/crystal/equations/programs/aview-eq1.jpg
   20:  0.04%: 29/Feb/00 21:10: /map/steel/programs/collapse-b.html
 3844: 93.29%: 29/Feb/00 22:43: [not listed: 598 files]

This analysis was produced by analog3.32/Unix.
Running time: 6 seconds.

(Go To: Top: General Summary: Weekly Report: Domain Report: Host Report: File Type Report: Request Report)

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