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Tuesday, 22 May, 2018 - 11:00
Event Location: 

Goldsmiths' Lecture room 2

A talk/discussion with John Nevard from CDT Ltd. 

The agenda for the discussion is as follows:

What is Intellectual Property ?
Why do you want a Patent ?
What can you do with a Patent ?
The Importance of Patents
First Principles
What can be Patented ?
The Patenting Process
Where to Patent ?
The Investment

The discussion is intended to focus on the practical and commercial aspects of intellectual property rather on the nitty gritty of patenting, although that is covered at a high level. The tenet of the discussion is that Intellectual property are assets and like any other assets they should be adding value to their owner, the discussion covers how patents, in particular, can be leveraged

All Department members are welcome.